Counseling » Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

We are actively preparing to see all of the amazing UME faces on the first day of school, August 29, 2022!
As the UME school counselor, I will continue what I started with last year where I will go into each classroom once a week for 15 minutes to teach social/emotional skills. I will post here once a month with information, links, resources, etc. so that you can continue this learning at home and be engaged in what they are learning from me here at UME. I will be teaching and practicing a variety of skills that have to do with the core areas of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. 
To help make the transition from summer to school-year easier, here is a wonderful link with helpful information.
I am looking forward to this year, 22-23 school year will be a great one! GO EAGLES!
Mrs. Tiffany