Parent Pick-up, Drop-Off, and Bussing Procedures
Parent Pick-up, Drop-Off, and Bussing Procedures
Our primary responsibility at UME is to keep your children safe. We firmly believe these procedures provide all children and adults with the safety they deserve.
Lower Parking Lot
This will be the bus loading and unloading zones before and after school. There will be multiple openings in the fencing for students to walk along the sidewalk, locate their bus, walk through the nearest opening and load their bus. We will have staff members on duty daily to assist students getting to the busses, similar to the supervision we currently have. Parents can use this lot to park. However, it is not a parent lane for pick-up or drop-off . The only access for parents to enter and exit the school is through the front doors. All vehicles parked in this lot will not be able to enter or exit while busses are loading students after school. This is not a drop-off location. This lot is ONLY designed for the use of parking and bus loading and unloading. There will be a crossing guard on the corner of Cheyenne Drive and Sioux Drive. Please follow their directions.
Upper Parking Lot
This will function almost the same as it currently functions. Parents will enter the far right lane and circle around the loop until we walk your student to your vehicle. You will then wait your turn to exit the upper parking lot back onto Cheyenne Drive. There will be a barrier that will prohibit anyone from turning to go down the front of the school. This addresses the issue of incoming and outgoing traffic to and from Cheyenne Drive getting in the way of each other. There will be staff on duty each day to direct traffic. Please follow their directions.
Parent Pick-up and Drop-off in Front of the School (Lane closest to School)
There will be a one-way entrance from Cheyenne Drive turning into this lane. When you enter this lane you can choose to go to the far right lane, which is the parent pick-up and drop-off lane or to the left if you would like to park. If you head to the right lane you will NOT be allowed to park and get out of your vehicle for any reason. You will need to communicate with your child as to which lane you will be in each day. We will have these students waiting near the front of the school. As we see your vehicle we will walk students to you. They will get in, buckle themselves, and you may exit. Again, you will not be able to get out and assist your child or buckle them. If you have little ones who need that assistance you need to use the Upper Parking Lot Loop or the parking that is discussed in #4 (2nd Lane). There is only one lane for the majority of this parent pick-up and drop-off. We need to keep traffic flowing as efficiently as possible. If you already have your student loaded you may pull around to the left and pass. You are never allowed to pull to the left to pass traffic on the right, then stop in the left lane while you then load or unload your student(s). This is unsafe. We will ask you to exit the lane and try again following the rules we have designated. There will be no loading and unloading past the crosswalks. There will be no parking in this lane at any time. There will be crossing guards at all intersections in front of school. Please follow their directions.
Parent Parallel Parking/Pick-up and Drop-off (2nd Lane)
There will be a one way entrance from Cheyenne Drive turning into this lane. When you enter this lane you can choose to go to the far right lane, which is the parent pick-up and drop-off lane or to the left if you would like to park. There are two functioning lanes here. The right side is to parallel park. You are welcome to wait in your vehicle for your child to come to you or you can get out and either wait by your vehicle or come into the school. There is no time limit for this parking. The left side is for through traffic who are ready to exit back onto Cheyenne Drive. There will be crossing guards at all intersections in front of the school. Please follow their directions.