1/2 Day Lunch Information
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is a reminder that on each of the early dismissal days this year the children will be served a sack lunch before being dismissed. In order to serve the students lunch, all of the elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:50pm. Student lunches will be picked up by staff and taken to classrooms and then distributed to the students who ordered a sack lunch. This year all student breakfasts and lunches are free. Students not ordering a sack lunch can bring their own lunch or snack from home if they’d like.
Our gratitude goes out to the food service and school staff for making this possible. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the district at 307-789-7571 Ext. 1026, Linda Martin the Food Service Director at 307-789-7571 Ext. 1010, or your individual school office.
Brad Francis