Parents » Balanced Classrooms

Balanced Classrooms

Uinta Meadows Elementary

90 Cheyenne Drive

Evanston, WY 82930 Principal: Brad Francis

Phone: 307-789-8098 Fax: 307-789-3426 Email: [email protected]

Our Culture:  Student-centered  * Collaborative *  Data-driven * Learners  * Positive

Our Mission:  Ensure High Levels of Learning for All  

Our Vision:  Every Student, Every Day





UME Parents and Guardians, 


At UME, our mission is to ensure high levels of learning for all. We have grown in our capacity to take on the Professional Learning Community (PLC) framework to ensure all students learn at these high levels. Our growth and learning around PLCs has also led our staff to have open and honest conversations around how we place our students into grade-level classes. Research and best practice tells us that balancing classes is a must. 


Many years ago we allowed parents to request their child’s teacher for the upcoming school-year. During those years we had approximately 100-150 teacher requests. Honoring teacher requests at UME has not allowed us to have balanced classrooms, which are essential to students learning at high levels. In fact, it created the opposite of balanced classrooms. As a result of this imbalance, we have not taken/granted teacher request letters for the last five years. We will continue this practice moving forward. We will place students evenly between each classroom. This will allow teachers to have meaningful collaborative meetings where they are focused on student learning, and able to assist each other and each other’s students throughout the entire school year. 


While students will be placed in a classroom with a specific teacher, we want to be clear that the entire grade level team takes ownership for your child(ren). Teachers work collaboratively for the benefit of all students. Grade level teams have a common WIN (What I Need) Time where students are grouped for 20-30 minutes, 4-5 days per week. Students of like ability, across the grade level, are able to focus on very specific skills/strategies in which they may be lacking, or to extend their learning. The groups are flexible and change regularly as students master these critical skills. 


If you reference the top of this letterhead and read Our Culture, Our Mission and Our Vision you will see that we are striving for greatness. We aspire to be a school that prepares your child for the next grade level, post-secondary education and to be a productive citizen. We ask that you join us on this journey to ensure high levels of learning for all. I am grateful for the opportunity to be the Principal at UME. I am impressed daily with the work ethic and intelligence of this staff. They work tirelessly to provide the highest quality of education for all students. They are committed to continual learning so they can improve their instructional practices each and every day. 


If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding the placement of your child please contact me. 

Many thanks,

Brad Francis, Principal