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Model Professional Learning Community and HRS Levels


UME is Recognized as a Model Professional Learning Community!!

One of About 200 Schools and Districts in the US and Canada to Receive This Honor

Evanston, WY, August 18, 2020 —Uinta Meadows Elementary School was recently recognized by Solution Tree for its sustained success in raising student achievement. UME’s successful implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Workprocess was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students.

A PLC is a school/district in which educators recognize the key to improved learning for students is on-going, job-embedded learning for the adults who serve those students. The three big ideas of a PLC call upon educators to:

  1. Focus on learning.
  2. Build a collaborative culture.
  3. Create a results orientation.

Responding to news of the recognition, Jerrod Dastrup said, “This journey started about four years ago. Each year we were fortunate to spend valuable time with Solution Tree PLC experts! That helped catapult us to new heights. I'm well aware that this is just the beginning. Becoming a Model PLC means so much because it validates the work we have been doing for our kids. I can't wait to see where we are a few more years down the road. I announced becoming a Model PLC to the UME staff during back to school week. I told my teachers and para/aides how proud I am to be their principal. They're the ones in the trenches. They're the rock stars! I'm blessed to have a front row seat to their show each and every day!”

Schools are recognized based on strict criteria, including demonstration of a commitment to PLC concepts, implementation of these concepts for at least three years, and clear evidence of improved student learning over that period. Once measurable results can be seen, the school must explain its practices, structures, and culture and submit its application for consideration by the PLC Review Committee.

According to the Champions of PLC at Work™, educators in the schools and districts selected for this recognition have shown “a sustained commitment to helping all of their students achieve at high levels. They have been willing to alter the structure and culture of the organization to reflect their commitment. We applaud them and congratulate them for achieving this very significant milestone on the never-ending PLC journey.”

Recognized model PLC schools are listed on allthingsplc.info, UME Model PLC Evidence, where they share implementation strategies, structures, and performance with other educators interested in improving their schools. Tools for team collaboration, articles and research about PLCs, blog posts, and other related resources are also available on the site. The site was developed and is maintained by Solution Tree, a leading provider of educational strategies and tools that improve staff and student performance. For more than 20 years, Solution Tree resources have helped K–12 teachers and administrators create schools where all children succeed.

Congratulations, Uinta Meadows Elementary School! You make a difference in the lives of children and families.




 To read more about the amazing things UME is doing for students check it out at All things PLC 


Uinta Meadows Elementary School achieves Level 2 certification in Marzano High  Reliability Schools™  

Bloomington, Ind., [May 10, 2022] — Uinta Meadows Elementary School is pleased to  announce the achievement of Level 2 certification in Marzano High Reliability Schools™.  Level 2 certification means Uinta Meadows Elementary School has established “Effective  Teaching in Every Classroom,” which focuses on the responsibility of both school leaders and  teachers in ensuring high-quality instruction.  

The high reliability school (HRS) program was created by Marzano Resources to help  transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. Using a  research-based five-level hierarchy, along with leading and lagging indicators, educators learn  to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of their schools.  

This framework, based on 50 years of educational research, defines five progressive levels of  performance that a school must master to become an HRS—where all students learn the content  and skills they need for success in college, careers, and beyond.  

“As you move through the levels, it represents a complete transformation in how schools are  run,” says CEO Robert J. Marzano.  

Schools must collect data and validate their performance to climb each level of the hierarchy.  Certification is determined by Marzano Resources analysts in cooperation with school data  teams.  

Using the HRS framework and indicators, schools can drive sustained, positive, and significant  impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one  harmonious system.  

About Marzano Resources  

Built on the foundation of Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s 50 years of education research, Marzano  Resources supports teachers and administrators through customizable on-site professional  development, educator events, virtual coaching, books, videos and online courses. Our  associates and authors are thought leaders in the field of education and deliver research-backed  guidance for all major areas of schooling, including curriculum development, instruction,  assessment, student engagement and personalized competency-based education.  


Name: Brad Francis, Principal 

School: Uinta Meadows Elementary School 

Address: 90 Cheyenne Dr, Evanston, WY 82930